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罗望子中葡聚木糖的结构与功能初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔木植物罗望子种子中富含木聚葡糖,是一种理想的膳食纤维来源。本文对该种子中所含的可溶性纤维进行了纤维素酶水解-HPLC分析和甲基化键型分析,证明其结构与在细胞壁中木聚葡糖基本相同。小白鼠动物实验初步确定了其促进肠蠕动的作用。  相似文献   
椰眼蝶生物学特性初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈尚文 《昆虫知识》1998,35(5):265-266
椰眼蝶ElymniashypermnestrahainanaMr.取食假按榔ArchontophoenixalexandlWendletDrude等棕桐科园林植物。该虫一年发生3代,以幼虫或蛹在叶片上越冬。4月上旬成虫羽化,幼虫5龄。喜食叶片顶端,叶片基部仅在大发生时才取食。5~6月、8~9月、11月为取食高峰期。幼虫可被螳螂、绒茧蜂、广大腿小蜂等天敌控制,蛹可被瘤姬蜂等寄生。  相似文献   
Objectives . To evaluate the attitudes to retaining natural teeth in an adult Swedish population, and to correlate the attitude to retaining natural teeth with some presumed influencing background factors. Design : Cross-sectional study using a newly developed questionnaire. Subjects : From the national census register of four municipalities in the southern part of the province of Halland, Sweden, with a total population of 126,878 adult (≥20 years) inhabitants, 4,200 persons were selected at random. The sample was randomised by age and sex, and 300 men and 300 women from the age groups 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 years were included. Intervention and main outcome measures : The questionnaire aimed to evaluate the number of remaining natural teeth, the dental care habits, the self-estimated quality of natural teeth, and the attitude t o retaining natural teeth In the studied population, and also to evaluate the possible correlation between those factors, in particular, the attitude to retaining natural teeth versus the other factors. Results : It was found that the attitude to the importance of retaining natural teeth was strongly correlated with the number of remaining natural teeth, the dental care habits, and the self-estimated quality of natural teeth. Also sex had an influence on this attitude but not age. Conclusions : The attitude to the importance of retaining natural teeth in an adult Swedish population is correlated with the number of remaining natural teeth, the dental care habits, the self-estimated quality of natural teeth, and sex, but not with age.  相似文献   
Proteolytic activity in the stomach, pyloric caeca and intestine decreases with increasing size in the three fish species Mugil auratus, M. capito and M. saliens. Differences between these species are found mainly in the gastric proteolytic activity which appears to be related to diet. This activity is pronounced in M. saliens whose diet is mainly carnivorous. Comparison of regression lines relating gastric proteolytic activity to size reveals differences which distinguish M. auratus from both of the other species. Total proteolytic activity exhibits high variability depending on the types of diet.  相似文献   
Population, feeding habit, distribution and activity patterns of the giant forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni) were studied in Chebera Churchura National Park (CCNP), Ethiopia, using line transect sample counts. Population estimate of the hogs was 845 individuals. Among the counted individuals, 42.4% were males and 57.6% were females. Among them, 32.8% were adults, 26.9% were subadults, and 40.3% were piglets. Large sounders of up to 20 individuals were seen during the wet season. They were seen in all habitat types in CCNP with higher abundance in the riverine vegetation. Availability of food, green vegetation cover and water were factors governing distribution of forest hogs in the study area. Grass was the major food item of the hogs (90%), mainly of Panicum sp., Acalypha psilostachya, Cissapelos rigidifolia, Psilotrichum gnaphalobryum and Abutilon ceclii. Feeding was the major activity for which 49.7% of the active daytime was used. Resting (lying down, standing and wallowing) was the next major activity, for which they spent 38.8% of the daytime, followed by other activities (11.5%). Morning and late afternoon activity peaks were more intensive during the dry season. This female‐biased giant forest hog population is expected to sustain in CCNP.  相似文献   
In marine ecosystems, the study of trophic relationships has extensively benefited from the development of stable isotope analyses (SIA) as dietary tracers. SIA are particularly useful in elucidating the structure of deep sea food webs given the constraints involved in obtaining gut‐content data from deep trawling. We used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses and Stable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in R (SIBER) and Stable Isotope Analysis in R (SIAR) routines, to determine the trophic ecology of five deep‐sea fishes from the upper continental slope of the Celtic Sea. SIA made it possible to deduce some general tendencies in food‐web structure and species trophic interactions and confirmed diet determined by gut‐content analysis for the same species, in other ecoregions. More specifically, mixing models revealed that the deep sea species considered are omnivorous and are able to feed on all the sampled taxa. Based on isotopic ratio, no clear differences in fish diet could be detected from one species to another except for rabbit fish, which has benthic affinities. Three species, blackbelly rosefish, greater forkbeard and softhead grenadier showed overlapping isotopic niches. This study is the first attempt to describe the trophic ecology of deep sea species on the Celtic Sea upper continental slope. In the context of the development of ecosystem integrated modeling approaches for managing fisheries in the Celtic sea, and considering the vulnerability of deep‐water species, improving the knowledge on the trophic ecology of these local species is of importance in order to allow their sustainable exploitation.  相似文献   
近年来慢性非传染性疾病的患病率呈"井喷"式增长,是全球致死和致残的首位原因,它主要发生在低、中收入国家中,严重危害了公共健康并加重了卫生经济负担。大量研究表明医学营养治疗对遏制慢性非传染性疾病的发生发展具有积极作用。膳食纤维作为健康饮食的重要组成部分,是维系公共健康不可缺少的一种营养素。由于它不被胃肠道消化吸收,也不产生能量,我们过去曾错误地认为它是一种"无营养物质"。随着科学的深入发展,膳食纤维的健康获益不断地被发现和证实,现被定义为第七类营养素。如今我国居民饮食结构愈发精细化,膳食纤维更成为了研究者们关注的焦点。本文将对膳食纤维进行系统阐述,总结其与常见慢性非传染性疾病发生风险的关系及其可能的作用机制,并对我国居民及常见慢性非传染性疾病患者的膳食纤维摄入现状及趋势进行报道。  相似文献   
The Kuril harbor seal around Hokkaido is presently recovering from a resource crisis while conflicts with local fisheries have become a concern. However, its feeding habits, which are fundamental information for taking proper preventive measures, are still poorly understood. We thus examined the infection status of a trophically-transmitted parasite, Corynosoma strumosum in the seals of Erimo Cape, to assess the host's feeding habits with a practical view of the parasite as a biological indicator. A total of 2802 worms were found from 20 male and 20 female by-caught animals in salmon set nets within local fisheries during August to November 2014. The parasite abundance was explained mainly by the host's developmental stage and intestinal length while weakly affected by gender and body size, through an estimation of generalized linear models combined with hierarchical partitioning. Considering the past records that demersal fishes are the probable main sources of infection, the infection level may owe to individual host differences regarding these sources and/or feeding grounds with relating the host characteristics. This supports that the resource management of Kuril harbor seals requires careful consideration of the individual differences in feeding behavior.  相似文献   
刀鲚幼鱼消化系统的组织形态学结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用光镜和扫描电镜观察长江刀鲚(Coilia nasus)幼鱼消化系统组织形态学结构。结果显示,刀鲚体长,口裂大,含有犬齿状的颌齿和尖锥状的腭齿,具有5对鳃弓,鳃耙长度明显大于鳃丝且表面附着不规则绒毛状细齿;胃呈"Y"型,胃与肠连接处具有16~21个指状环形幽门盲囊;肠为直肠,较短,比肠长为0.241±0.080;肝分为两叶,胰为独立的器官。刀鲚口咽腔为复层鳞状上皮,含有腺体、大量椭圆形黏液细胞、少量杯状细胞及味蕾;胃黏膜都为典型的单层柱状上皮,含有较多由上皮凹陷形成的胃小凹和胃腺;幽门盲囊具有20~25个丰富的褶皱,占满大部分幽门盲囊腔,黏膜层具有微绒毛;中肠黏膜上皮最发达,形成的褶皱细长且连接成网状,单层柱状上皮与复层扁平上皮交替分布。观察结果表明,刀鲚消化系统具有典型肉食性鱼类特征。  相似文献   
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